Tranquility on Tap

What a wonderful Wednesday sunset cruise it was as the Hooligan motored out in to the bay and within 15 minutes was surrounded by a pod of 7 or more whales that were feeding and teaching their babies how to breach.  We quickly cut the engine motor and then raised the main sail so that we could cruise around silently, and were pleasantly surprised shortly after as a pod of dolphins approached the boat in curiosity and playfulness.

The sunset turned out to be quite spectacular as the extravagant cloud formations inspired our imaginations to find infinitely intriguing designs and shapes within them until the sun finally set beyond the horizon, which was pleasantly peppered with misty sprays of dolphins and whales across the bay.  Just before we dropped the main sail and prepared to head back to port, we saw something floating on the starboard of the boat, and as we got closer to inspect, a friendly fin raised out of the water to wave us on by.  A happily bobbing old tortoise was out for a leisurely evening swim and just wanted to say hello before it took a deep breath and dived deep down below.

The Hooligan then fired up her engine and we motored her back into the marina, as we closed out another beautiful afternoon cruise with a brilliantly colorful dusk behind us, and smiles from cheek to cheek on everyone’s faces.

Jump on board with Hooligan Adventures and book a private sailboat tour today!

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